Following an extensive search for an education partnership, the Italian National Tourist Board (ENIT) has selected CO.AS.IT. Sydney to offer online Italian language lessons as part of a new module of their Travel to Italy Academy.
The academy is an online training course that provides travel agents with the knowledge and confidence to sell and upsell unforgettable trips to Italy.
Manager of ENIT Australia & New Zealand, Emanuele Attanasio, said the course gives agents the opportunity to extend their knowledge and expertise and obtain an “Italy Specialist” certificate upon its completion.
The announcement comes after ENIT launched a competition earlier this year, giving 50 travel agents the chance to learn Italian for free as part of the course.
The competition was open to agents across Australia and New Zealand and ENIT received hundreds of entries from those eager to improve their Italian language skills.
“This is a great initiative by ENIT, to encourage travel agents to upskill during these difficult times,” CO.AS.IT.’s general manager, Thomas Camporeale, said.
“It is a great pleasure to be selected by ENIT, on behalf of the Italian government, to facilitate the delivery of this fantastic course, which promotes both Italy and the Italian language.”
The online language lessons are set to commence in early May and will be taught by native Italian teachers experienced in developing communication skills through a range of listening, speaking, reading and writing activities.
“We enjoy being involved in projects which spark an interest in the Italian language,” Camporeale said.
“Our mission is to continue to maintain the Italian language and culture in Australia and we are thrilled to be working on this project.”