To give you an insight into the great people that work at Co.As.It, each month we will feature some of our staff in our “Meet the team” blog posts.

My name is Claudia and I’m a Clinical Care Coordinator at Co.As.It.
I completed a Diploma in Nursing at the Nursing School of Cividale del Friuli. I then went to complete a Postgraduate Diploma in Community Health at the University of Tasmania.
I joined Co.As.It. in April 2024. I enjoy working at Co.As.It. because it gives me the privilege to positively impact the quality of life of people in CALD communities and to promote their independence. I also love interacting in Italian and learning about clients’ and carers’ wealth of knowledge, life experiences, and amazing resilience.
In my spare time I enjoy cooking Italian food and travelling in my self-converted campervan
My coffee order is a macchiato
My favourite pasta dish is my mum’s pumpkin gnocchi
My ideal travel destination is anywhere with a sea view along the beautiful Australian coastline
My go to party song is Smooth by Carlos Santana
My most beloved piece of clothing are my Italian leather boots
My perfect car to get around town is my old faithful Toyota Corolla
The best gift you could give me is a new power tool! I love recycling furniture and fixing things at home.
My name is Jvonne and I’m an Enrolment and Course Administration Coordinator at Co.As.It.
I completed a Diploma in Foreign Languages and a Master’s degree in International Law.
I joined Co.As.It. in 2024. I enjoy working at Co.As.It. because it has a fantastic work culture that values collaboration and preserves the Italian heritage. The team is incredibly supportive, and there are plenty of opportunities for growth and development.
In my spare time I enjoy travelling, reading, eating out, watching films, hiking, and discovering new places
My coffee order is a soy flat white
My favourite pasta dish is fresh pasta with homemade ragu’
My ideal travel destination is Africa
My go to party song is anything by ABBA
My most beloved piece of clothing are scarfs I bought during my travels to Asia
My perfect car to get around town is an SUV
The best gift you could give me is an airplane ticket