To give you an insight into the great people that work at Co.As.It, each month we will feature some of our staff in our “Meet the team” blog posts.

My name is Luana and I’m the Coordinator – People and Culture at Co.As.It.
I completed a Bachelor of Political Science majoring in Industrial Economy at the University of Perugia, Italy. I then went on to complete a Master in International Relations at the Sapienza University in Rome, Italy. I also hold a Naati Certification as a Translator. I joined Co.As.It. in 2008. I enjoy working at Co.As.It. because we assist the Italian community and promote the Italian language and culture.
In my spare time, I enjoy reading, translating and listening to music.
My coffee order is a latte.
My favourite pasta dish is spaghetti alla carbonara.
My ideal travel destination is Sardegna.
My go to party song is Tuca Tuca by Raffaella Carra.
My most beloved piece of clothing are my shoes.
My perfect car to get around town would be an original Fiat Cinquecento.
The best gift you could give me is a good book.
My name is Laura and I’m the Team Leader of the Social Support Group Program at Co.As.It.
I completed a Bachelor of Social Work at the University of New South Wales. I joined Co.As.It. in 1998. I enjoy working at Co.As.It. because with the programs that Co.As.It. offers, I get the opportunity to work with people to achieve the best possible outcomes for their wellbeing. This includes supporting older people to attain their goals to live independently and at home for longer. Working at Co.As.It. allows me to not only have a connection to my Italian heritage but to also engage with people from other cultural backgrounds.
In my spare time I enjoy browsing the internet for recipes, listening to music and watching movies.
My coffee order is a Café latte.
My favourite pasta dish is Gnocchi with a Bolognese sauce and lots of cheese.
My ideal travel destination is anywhere in Australia! There’s a lot to see.
My go to party song is “Uptown Funk” by Bruno Mars.
My most beloved piece of clothing is my red sports watch.
My perfect car to get around town would be a Porsche 911 Carrera S Coupe – any year model.
The best gift you could give me is a designer/luxury brand pen.

My name is Loretta and I’m the Personal Assistant to the General Manager at Co.As.It.
I completed qualifications in Veterinary Nursing and Travel & Tourism. I joined Co.As.It. in 2019. I enjoy working at Co.As.It. because I am able to assist in maintaining the Italian culture and we are able to provide the community with essential services.
In my spare time I enjoy eating out with my friends, watching movies, beach and hiking.
My coffee order is a Café latte.
My favourite pasta dish is Pasta with Broccoli and Ricotta.
My ideal travel destination is anywhere hot with a beach.
My go to party song is any song from the 90’s.
My most beloved piece of clothing are my blazers.
My perfect car to get around town is the Golf GTI.
The best gift you could give me is a gift voucher.
My name is Jacqueline and I’m the Social Support Group Program Assessments Officer at Co.As.It.
I completed a Cert III in Aged Care, Cert IV in Home and Community Care, Diploma in Disability, Diploma in Case Management and Cert IV in Leisure and Health. I joined Co.As.It. in 2010. I enjoy working at Co.As.It. because it provides social integration and reconnection within the Italian Community.
In my spare time I enjoy camping, concerts and dancing.
My coffee order is a café di cafeteria black one sugar.
My favourite pasta dish is homemade Melanzane alla parmigiana.
My ideal travel destination is Europe.
My go to party song is 80’s music.
My most beloved piece of clothing are my Ugg boots and jeans.
My perfect car to get around town is the Toyota Prado 4WD.
The best gift you could give me is family and unconditional friendship.