As another year begins, it might bring a sense of hope and excitement for the future. At Co.As.It., we know 2024 will be another big year, and we are looking forward to continuing our service to the community. The new year can also bring feelings of being overwhelmed. For example, you might be interested in applying for our home care services, but unsure where to begin. Or you might be thinking of enrolling in one of our Italian language classes, becoming a volunteer, or up-skilling as a community care worker, but still nervous to take the leap. If you are interested in setting some goals for 2024, but need some guidance with how to start, then Co.As.It. has three steps to help!
Step 1: Define your goal
When it comes to setting goals, we might want to do too many things at once. Which is why the SMART approach to goals can help to narrow things down. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-framed. For example, if you have a goal to improve your Italian, then a SMART approach would be:
Specific – I want to be able to confidently hold a basic conversation in Italian
Measurable – A way I can monitor my progress is by chatting with my Italian family/friends/neighbours and seeing how I improve with time
Achievable – I believe I can achieve this goal if I enrol and attend one of Co.As.It.’s Italian language classes, where my teachers and classmates will help me along the way
Relevant – This is a meaningful goal because I’m interested in connecting with my culture and travelling to Italy
Time-framed – I aim to reach my goal after completing the full language class term
The SMART approach to goals is a great way to define your goals and then set out an action plan for how to make them happen.
Step 2: Remind yourself why your goal is important
Often, we might make goals like eating healthier, exercising or being more organised. While these are all worthwhile goals, they may be harder to maintain, and quickly begin to feel like chores. Reminding yourself of why a goal is important helps with staying focused on reaching that goal. For example, if your goal is to try volunteering, then reminding yourself why this is important and how it connects to your deeper values, such as giving back to your community and meeting new people, can help you to stay motivated!
Step 3: Get some support
When we set a goal, we might try writing it down or thinking about it, but the risk is that we eventually forget about it. Which is why telling someone else about your goal is a great way to build accountability and get some support. When we tell someone else, they can then give us the encouragement we need, or offer some advice if they have achieved that goal already or are working towards a similar goal. It can be nerve-wracking to share our personal goals with a friend or family member, which is why it can sometimes be helpful to talk to a professional first. At Co.As.It., our friendly mental health team can provide free and confidential counselling, helping our community members to navigate their goals and improve their overall health and well-being.
Whether it’s mastering the Italian language, dedicating time to volunteer work, or actively engaging with the community, your goals matter! Co.As.It. is here to support you every step of the way, providing the resources you need to make 2024 a wonderful year. You can contact us on 9564 0744 or at info@coasit.org.au