Co.As.It. is proud to be a leading Home Care Provider in NSW, and we have been servicing our community for over 50 years now. But have you ever wondered why your neighbour or friend chose Co.As.It as their Home Care service provider? Here are some reasons why!
“Co.As.It. understands my culture”
When it comes to receiving Home Care Services, it can be daunting to open up your home, share your personal information and begin services for the first time. An important part of building a trusting relationship is cultural awareness and understanding. At Co.As.It., we share this cultural connection with our clients, through both the Italian language and an appreciation of our multicultural heritage. Our Home Care Coordinators and Care Workers are skilled in managing culturally-specific issues and also taking the time to sit with our clients and their families to understand what is important to them.
“Co.As.It. makes sure I get the most out of my package services”
Whether you are on a Level 1, 2 or 3 package, our team at Co.As.It. always makes sure you are getting the most out of your services. We conduct thorough assessments to ensure that our clients’ needs are covered, and do regular check-ins, because we understand that needs can change with time. Our Home Care Coordinators are also experts in navigating both the My Aged Care systems and explaining the differences between packages, which greatly assists our clients when it comes to maximising their services.
“Co.As.It. looks after both me, and my family too”
One of the major reasons our clients continue to choose Co.As.It. as their preferred Home Care Provider is because of the highly personal care we extend to both them and their families. When it comes to building relationships, our team at Co.As.It. understands the importance of communicating with our clients, their carers and loved ones. We also offer a variety of services in addition to Home Care Packages, which can be accessed by both our clients and their families, including social support groups, our community visitors scheme and free mental health and counselling programs.
There are so many reasons why our clients choose Co.As.It. for their Home Care needs, including our cultural specificity, knowledge of home care packages and variety of services. But most importantly, we seek to look after our clients and make sure that they are well supported. If you would like to know more about Co.As.It. services, then you can contact us on 9564 0744 or at info@coasit.org.au